The Monday M.A.S.S. With Chris Coté and Todd Richards, August 9, 2022
On this episode of the World’s Greatest Action Sports Podcast, Chris and Todd talk about surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, and nerd stuff. The dudes go deep in to the bowels of the Vans US Open Of Surfing, Vans Showdown, BMXers getting gnarly, playing with Joe Wood and Change Today, Outerknown Tahiti Pro coming up next, Jake Wooten’s Big Sky part is heavy, Todd’s daughter Reef Richards celebrates her birthday with some roller skate news, Jack Black do a Kickflip, WKND Jordan Taylor, snowboarding in Butha-Buthe, Lesotho, Stay On Board: The Leo Baker Story, SEEN snowboarding drops some epic clips, Wheels Of Fortune weekend with Skate Like A Girl right around the corner, your questions answered, and more!
Presented by:
Pedal Electric @pedal.electric
Herschel Supply Co. @herschelsupply
BN3TH @BN3THApparel MASS20
NanocraftCBD @nanocraftCBD MASS20
Bub’s Naturals @bubsnaturals MASS20
Hansen Surfboards @hansensurfboards MASS10
Pannikin Coffee And Tea @pannikincoffeeandtea @yewonline
New Greens @newgreens MASS20 @diecutstickersdotcom MASS15
Bachan’s Japanese BBQ Sauce @trybachans