The Monday M.A.S.S. With Chris Coté and Todd Richards, December 19, 2022
On this episode of The World’s Greatest Action Sports Podcast, Chris and Todd talk about the Vans Pipe Masters and all the madness before during and after. Couple good rants by Todd. Chris blows it a few times cause he’s in a serotonin crisis after a big weekend. Not even sure what we talked about on this episode, but it’s an episode nonetheless. We did get to answer all your awesome questions, so that’s something.
Presented by:
Mountain High @mthighsnow
K2 Snowboarding @k2.snowboarding
Pedal Electric @pedal.electric
Bachan’s Japanese BBQ Sauce @trybachans
Herschel Supply Co. @herschelsupply
BN3TH @BN3THApparel MASS20
NanocraftCBD @nanocraftCBD MASS15
Bub’s Naturals @bubsnaturals MASS20
Hansen Surfboards @hansensurfboards MASS10
Pannikin Coffee And Tea @pannikincoffeeandtea @yewonline
Pure Prescriptions @pureprescriptions @diecutstickersdotcom MASS15